
 A common theme in these films is the decentralisation of Hollywood"s white male hero, another Gen Z cinematic recalibration; women of colour are in substantial leading roles, and taking on a larger part of the stories. Hollywood"s investment in Gen Z sees a space being carved out for today"s diverse youth in a world that seems unprepared to embrace them. "A glimpse at their racially and ethnically diverse casts tells us as much… [they] function as the perfect match to their darkly satirical takes on contemporary reflections on sexuality, celebrity and violence," says Dr Christopher Holliday, lecturer in Liberal Arts and Visual Cultures Education at King"s College, London. However, he adds: "The desire for certain marginalised identities to be "made visible" is an imperative that can wrongly equate visibility with progress, which in turn raises questions about the burden of an individual to represent the collective and, as a result, who can – and should – hold the power to speak for a particular identity or social group."

ผู้ตั้งกระทู้ subvert (useissuedd-at-gmail-dot-com) :: วันที่ลงประกาศ 2022-09-26 18:03:29

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